Backdrop is an app and social network that lets people find and share beautiful spaces around the world.

Plan your trips & outings
for the perfect picture
in secondswith easenear youfor the perfect picture

Spot AI

Fast & easy trip planning

No more endless Google searches for where to stay and what to eat. Let Spot do the work!

Plan your trip in seconds

Provide your travel destination & duration

Get a full itinerary for your trip

Edit your plan with a single question

Try Spot


Share videos of yourself at any spot and discover more locations with moments

Discover amazing locations close to you and get directions to them

See places your friends like & where they are going. Find backdrops that interest you

Find out more about a backdrop, when they are open, their price range and more

Curate and share your favourite spots with others

Search for backdrops easily and find trending places on the explore page

Backdrop is an app and social network that lets people find and share beautiful spaces around the world.

Read our story
#Pastel + 8 more
#Neon + 4 more
#Mexican + 2 more
#StanedGlass + 9 more
#cafe + 4 more
#mexican + 4 more